" Input: { to - which advice ("predict_compiler_flags", "classify_image") (local) - if 'yes', use local optimization rather than public from cKnowledge.org/repo If predict_compiler_flags: compiler - compiler name See GCC: http://cknowledge.org/repo/web.php?native_action=show&native_module_uoa=program.optimization&scenario=8289e0cf24346aa7 See LLVM: http://cknowledge.org/repo/web.php?native_action=show&native_module_uoa=program.optimization&scenario=2aaed4c520956635 scenario cpu_name features (MILEPOST feature vector: http://ctuning.org/wiki/index.php/CTools:MilepostGCC:StaticFeatures:MILEPOST_V2.1) If classify_image dnn_engine (caffe, caffe2, tensorflow) image - file with image } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } "